Streetlights TriCounty (1)
Streetlights Oncor (2)
Street Intersections (3)
Street Centerline (4)
Street Sub Segment (5)
Outfall (18)
Drop Wye Inlet (20)
Curb Inlet (21)
Grate Inlet (22)
Junction Box (6)
Manhole (7)
Box Culvert (8)
| City of Keller |
| Owned by Others |
Pipe Culvert (9)
Bar Ditch (10)
Open Channel (11)
Flume (12)
Storm Lateral (13)
| City of Keller |
| Private; Owned by Others; NRH; SLK; WAT; IDLES1; IDLES2; IDLGR; IDLOK; RS; SBES; TC; TLES; WDHL |
Storm Connections (14)
Storm Main (15)
| City of Keller |
| Owned by Others; Private |
Water Body (16)
Watershed (17)
| Big Bear Creek |
| Denton Creek |
| Dove Creek |
| Headwaters Walker Branch |
| Henrietta Creek |
| Johnson Creek |
| Little Bear Creek |
| Marshall Branch |
| Whites Branch |