Fire Line (2)
Domestic (3)
Irrigation (4)
Boiler, Carbonator, and Other (5)
Fire Suppresion (7)
Domestic (8)
Irrigation (9)
Boiler, Carbonator, and Other (10)
| Carbonator |
| Other |
Water Node (15)
| Compression |
| Coupling |
| Plug |
| Reducer |
| Tee |
| Tapping Sleeve |
Keller Hydrants (16)
Hydrants Owned by Others (17)
| Fort Worth |
| Southlake |
| Westlake |
No Manufactured Date (12)
No Manufacturer (13)
Southlake Valves (18)
Keller Valves (19)
| Manual Flushing |
| Air Release |
| Automatic Flushing |
| Butterfly |
| Control |
| Detector Check |
| Gate Valve |
| Manual Blowoff |
| Pressure Reducing |
Westlake Valves (20)
| Air Release |
| Automatic Flushing |
| Butterfly |
| Control |
| Detector Check |
| Gate Valve |
| Geared Gate |
| Manual Blowoff |
| Pressure Reducing |
Meter (21)
Vault (22)
Water Service Line (23)
| Fire Service Lateral |
| Fire Hydrant Lead |
Water Service Line (24)
| Service Line |
Water Pump Station (25)
| PEARSON #1 |
| PEARSON #2 |
Storage Tank (26)
| Ground Storage Tank, PEARSON 2 |
| Ground Storage Tank, PEARSON 1 |
| Ground Storage Tank, KELLER HIGH SCHOOL |
| Elevated Storage Tank, WHITLEY |
| Elevated Storage Tank, KELLER SMITHFIELD |
| Elevated Storage Tank, KNOX |
Southlake Water Lines (27)
Water Lines (28)
| Owned by Others |
| Distribution Line, 8" and under |
| Distribution Line, 10" - 12" |
| City of Keller, Transmission Line, 16" + |
| Transmission Line |
Distribution Line 8" and under (30)
| Distribution Line, 8" and less; Keller and Southlake, Distribution Line, 6 inch |
Distribution Line 10"- 12" (31)
| Distribution Line 10"- 12" |
Transmission Lines (32)
| City of Keller Transmission Line |
| Transmission Line |
| Owned by Others |
Owned by Others (33)
| City of Fort Worth, Distribution Line, 12 inch; City of Fort Worth, Distribution Line, 16 inch; City of Fort Worth, Distribution Line, 24 inch; City of Fort Worth, Distribution Line, 6 inch; City of Fort Worth, Distribution Line, 8 inch; City of Southlake, Distribution Line, 12 inch; City of Westlake, Distribution Line, 12 inch; City of Westlake, Distribution Line, 6 inch; City of Westlake, Distribution Line, 8 inch; Private, Distribution Line, 2 inch; Private, Distribution Line, 3 inch; Private, Distribution Line, 4 inch; Private, Distribution Line, 6 inch; Samantha Springs, Distribution Line, 4 inch |
| City of Fort Worth,Transmission Line,24 inch; City of Fort Worth,Transmission Line,16 inch; City of Southlake, Distribution Line, 36 inch; City of Southlake, Transmission Line, 30 inch |
SWIFT Project Lines (34)
| Phase 1 |
| Phase 2 |
| Phase 3 |
| Future |
Water Lines >= 12" (35)
| Owned by Others |
| Distribution Line, 8" and under |
| Distribution Line, 10" - 12" |
| City of Keller, Transmission Line, 16" + |
| Transmission Line |
Dead End Plugs (37)
| Plug |
Water Service Line (38)
| Fire Service Lateral |
| Service Line |
Water Lines (39)
| Distribution Line, 8" and less |
| Distribution Line, 10" - 12" |
| Distribution Line, 16" + |
| Owned by Others |
| Transmission Line |
| <all other values> |
Unknown (41)
1960's (42)
1970's (43)
1980's (44)
1990's (45)
2000's (46)
2010's (47)
2020+ (48)
Pressure Plane Dividers (51)
Keller Valves (52)
| Manual Flushing |
| Air Release |
| Automatic Flushing |
| Butterfly |
| Control |
| Detector Check |
| Gate Valve |
| Manual Blowoff |
| Pressure Reducing |
High Pressure Point (53)
| <all other values> |
Low Pressure Point (54)
| <all other values> |
North Pressure Point (55)
| <all other values> |
N/A (56)
Water Pressure Plane (57)
| High Pressure Plane |
| Low Pressure Plane |
| North Pressure Plane |
A.C. (59)
| A.C. |
CI (60)
| CI |
DI (61)
| DI |
Gal (62)
| GAL |
PVC DR-18 (63)
| PVC (DR-18) |
PVC Class (64)
| PVC Class |
PVC Other (65)
| PVC other |
RCCP (66)
| RCCP |
UNK (67)
| UNK |
Water Wells (69)
| Commercial |
| Domestic |
| Geothermal |
| Irrigation |
| Other |
| Pond |
| Unknown |